
I remember one hot day putting a cloth in clear, cool water and wringing it out, watching the water sparkle and fall. It was so ordinary yet so beautiful! That’s how I want to live life – so well wondered that it’s like wringing out beauty in the deepest thoughts and most extraordinary experiences but also in the mundane parts of life and ordinary activities. To create. To think. To rest. To enjoy. To care. To gather. To know our Creator. To know ourselves. . . . To live a Life Well Wondered

  • Wonders


    What a word in three letters. Just think about it… We are infatuated with N-E-W — seriously, look at ourselves. We get a new sparkling car, or a new pair of white shoes, a clean, new coffee mug, etc. and we love it, it is exciting, it brings us happiness, we focus on it, gawk at it, think about it… It’s truly great. Most everyone would agree — look at the world around us wanting new everything in everyway. I must say I am one of them. I love new! Just the feeling and the thought of new — of sparkling, white, clean new — excites me! Yet, there’s always…

  • Wonders


    The ocean amazes me, and when I say amazes I mean AMAZES. The first time I saw it this summer I seriously stood at its shore for a good half hour in pure awe saying, “God you are amazing…whoa.” Just think, when I looked across I was looking at another continent… technically. That’s nuts! This huge creation pulled me like a magnet. I stepped foot in it almost everyday this summer, ran barefoot along its beach, almost died in it multiple times (disregard this Mom), saw animals big and small…brought home a couple (RIP Jeff the hermit crab), and took home enough shells to fill a bucket. Yet, the thing…

  • Wonders

    A Wonder

    Look around you…………………………… Amazing huh? Just think of the intricate simplicity of the world around you.  My heart can do nothing but leap with joy and wonder and awe when I truly take a look around. It’s living, breathing, miraculous! The tree outside my window — this magnificent and tall, living, growing piece of wood that came from the tiniest little seed that somehow grew from the dark underground! Enduring seasons and time. And then it’s leaves –pick one off and look at it, now take a good close look… can you see the stem branching out into veins, the vibrant color it has, the individual cells each containing nuclei…