• Wonders

    Consuming Anxiety Consumed by Fire

    A small light brought to life by the swift motion of a match, crackling logs of warmth on a crisp night, all consuming power sweeping through a forest…fire is gentle yet powerful, a place of safety and of danger depending on what it is consuming. One evening I looked into the flames of the gas fireplace, mesmerized by the way they danced and changed color, licking at logs that never burn up. It felt nice to focus on something and not let the anxious thoughts and worries that had consumed my mind that week take over again. I watched the flames repeat over and over – blue to orange to…

  • Wonders

    This is Home?

    Looking out my window over the smoggy rows of high-rise after high-rise, my heart felt unsettled. “Why am I here? Is this really home?” I thought. Digging up nostalgic memories from my childhood and scrolling through “country fall” posts (yes, my desperate search) on Pinterest had also not helped this feeling. I have learned this past year living on the 22nd floor of a high-rise in a city of 10+ million people, that a part of me starts to get deeply unsettled in the city. When I was younger I never thought I would have said this, but I adore the country and its slowness. ​ ​Somedays I feel that…

  • Wonders


    breathe in. breathe out. It’s so natural we forget about it, yet such a wonder that we can’t. God is so attentive to us that he breathes life into our lungs continually, over and over, moment after moment each day. What love. 23,040 — the average number of breaths you are given each day. Over 670,00,000 in a lifetime. Talk about a giving Father. Among the many other gifts he gives us each day, we receive these. What generosity. How is it that we can take in air — this invisible substance — into our lungs to fill and expand them? To bring in what our body needs to live.…