• Baby

    How to Save a Ton of Money Using Cloth Diapers

    There are a few sources that debate if cloth diapering really saves you money when you account for the detergent, water and electricity used in washing them. And good for them looking deep into it! I appreciated it. Cost Comparison: Disposable Diaper vs. Cloth Diaper A part of this comparison hinges on what disposable diaper you choose to compare to cloth diaper costs. In this article, they estimate each disposable diaper at 25 to 30 cents each but many eco friendly baby diapers are more in the 35 to 50 cents each range. This difference can seem small in cents, but is up to double in spending and adds up…

  • Baby

    Cloth Diapers: Help Save the Environment

    There is debate on whether cloth diapering truly helps the environment considering the energy and water use taken to wash them, but there is also debate on if disposable diapers and their increasing worldwide usage is an environmental concern: “The global production of disposable used diapers increases exponentially and is expected to exceed US$ 71 billion/year by 2022. It was revealed that about 20 billion pieces of the used diapers were dumped in landfills yearly, generating more than 3.5 million tonnes of diaper waste that require almost 500 years to be fully decomposed.” Yikes. Though, studies and companies are seeking better ways to recycle better materials to be used in…

  • Recipes

    The Best Homemade Fudgy Brownies

    My goodness. The minute you bite into these brownies – the fudgy texture that still is somehow silky. The deep, rich chocolate flavor brought out by a HINT OF COFFEE The decadent way they melt in your mouth but still leave you dreaming of that rich chocolate flavor. We aren’t messing around here, people! Rich. Decadent. Fudgy. Double Chocolate Brownies. I grew up eating Little Debbie Fudge Brownies and fudge brownie box mixes, both of which I still love. Maybe that created in me the longing for fudgy brownies and I really never strayed from these packaged brownies for years until I was forced on the quest to make the…

  • Wonders

    The Wonder of Cross-Stitch

    Criss, cross, criss, cross… The steady sound of thread pulling through fabric is gently soothing as features form with each stitch and row. This was my first full cross-stitch that I have ever done and at first I was wondering if I would finish it in time and then I was wondering if I was just wasting time making a cross-stitch when I could be doing something else seemingly more productive or impactful. But with each stitchmy thoughts seemed to weave into the rhythm of the stitches and lead me back in time to memories and wonder. Criss, cross, criss, cross… I remember my mom’s sewing box, tucked away between…

  • Celebrations

    How I Found My Wedding Dress for $50

    “Ooooo maybe that one… No, too much…Oh! What about this one… HA! LOOK at those huge sleeves! Wow, how does someone walk in that?” It is a wonder to see all the different designs of wedding dresses out there, spanning decades and countless imaginative minds. And I mean very imaginative minds sometimes! It also is a wonder how much MONEY you can spend on a wedding dress, even though it is a special day and heirloom. My goodness! I was out to find a wedding dress I loved but one that was unique and most importantly, A GREAT DEAL. Scroll down for tips and things to remember as you look…

  • Decor,  DIY

    Unique Hexagon Photo Wall: Display Hundreds of Photos for Under $60

    How can so much be held within the delicate boundaries of a piece of paper? It is the wonder of a photo! I want my home to be filled with wonder. So, I have photos all over my house and the intentions to display many more because each one truly does hold wonder. And it helps to have an amazing photographer husband (love eyes). But how do you display all these little wonders?! One bored moment during quarantine, I found myself staring at the space above our piano. I wanted a way to display lots of photos and to even change the photos periodically with the seasons. That way, I…

  • Wonders

    The Wonder of a Photo

    How can so much be held within the delicate boundaries of a piece of paper? Dancing with light and depth, color and emotion, this paper can come to life – coax our heart and mind to laugh again, to cry again, to play again, to kiss again, to dance again, to hold them close again, to love again, to feel, again, that moment held within those delicate bounds. It is the wonder of a photo. A world of light and depth, color and emotion held within delicate bounds. As I stare at the photo in front of me – one from our wedding day – I can feel that moment…

  • Celebrations,  Decor

    Happy Halloween 2020!

    Oh, how I love Halloween! The sense of magic and spooky suspense, the crisp fall leaves that crunch under your feet while trick-or-treating, the costumes that come from all parts of the imagination, the candy, Mmmm, the candy, the amount of pumpkins you can hoard, the whimsical little decorations that come to life just like they did in my first ever stop motion video I made – as seen above! I’ve loved Halloween ever since I can remember dumping out my jack-o-lantern bucket of candy onto the green shag rug of my friend’s grandmother’s home, feeling warm and cozy after a cold night of trick-or-treating, trading favorite candies, and feeling…

  • DIY,  Recipes

    Drying Fresh Herbs

    Fresh, home-dried herbs add such a depth of flavor to your cooking throughout the long winter months that can be hard to get with store-bought herbs. What is better in the middle of winter where the snow and ice just never seem to stop than a dish that tastes like you brought it straight from the herb garden?! You also will save a quite a few dollars and have a relaxing fall activity, whether you can get fresh herbs from your own garden, a friend, or your local farmers market. If you don’t have your own herb garden, plan one for this spring – the plants usually come back year…

  • Wonders

    A Wonder of Anger

    I am SO ANGRY right now, I can’t believe it. Why is this happening to me? Why did they do this? This isn’t fair. This is unjust. I don’t understand. Eeeerrrrrrr! I’m just so angry! Anger hates being misunderstood. It’s always happening to it. Written off with, “Oh, don’t be so angry,” and “It’s not good to be angry,” anger retreats deeper into us as it pushes away from those who said such things and pushes away from a God who seemingly wags his finger at us and tells us that we shouldn’t be angry.  When it comes to anger, God can seem like one of the least understanding. Our…