The Wonder of Cloth Diapering: Connecting to Nature and Nostalgia
As my belly grew and Little Wonder neared her arrival, I began to… freak out. Yes, about impending labor and delivery and raising a baby, but also about if I would follow through with cloth diapering!
The cloth diapers were being gifted and the most adorable boho rainbow baby nursery was getting ready with my diaper cart full of all the essentials I needed to cloth diaper. I was being readied for my cloth diaper journey… Ok, here we go. I’m totally ready. Cloth diapering is easy, right? You’ve done the research. You’ve watched the videos. Wahhhh!
How do I start cloth diapering?
Can I handle all the wash?
What if cloth diapers don’t work?
Am I crazy for considering cloth diapers?
What do I do now?
I felt that overwhelming wave of uncertainty begin to rise. And really that wave was just a normal wave that I think comes in the weeks before giving birth to your first child. You could also have found me me crying in Matt’s arms that week because I was afraid and convinced I wouldn’t be able to handle the birthing process.
Fast forward to the first weeks after giving birth to our Little Wonder. She was born right in the beginning of September and it was a time of wonder and a time of summer waning into glorious fall.
After successfully getting through the first few days of cloth diapering a newborn and washing my first load of dirty diapers, I found myself outside on a warm and sunny day with Little Wonder sleeping under the tree beside me in her favorite Snuggle Me pillow. I was hanging up the cloth diapers to dry in the sun and a wave of nostalgia came over me.
So many of my afternoons growing up were spent at my grandparent’s house and I often helped them with chores, one of which was washing and hanging the laundry up outside on the clothesline in the beautiful country air. The sheets would flutter in the wind and you could run through them and have sunlight dance across you.
As I hung up cloth diapers that day and many days after, these wonder-filled memories washed over me. I felt a sense of being connected to them again, and even connected to the many mothers who also washed and hung up diapers over the years – a holistic circle of motherhood across generations. Just as cloth diapering is a wonderful way to feel connected to the earth, it is also a wonderful way to be connected to the generations of motherhood and parenthood that you join.
In a culture where we often want to hurry through time and move on quickly to the next thing, there is something deep and holy about seemingly wasted time hanging up diapers in the sun – breathing in nature and history and breathing out gratitude.

Who knew all that wonder could come from diapers?!
Learn More About Cloth Diapering:
- Which Cloth Diaper is Best?
- Your Top Questions About Cloth Diapering Answered
- What If My Significant Other Does Not Want to Use Cloth Diapers?
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