Does Cloth Diapering Take Too Much Time?
Can I handle cloth diapering while working a full time job? Can I handle cloth diapering with my busy schedule? Hopefully this step by step breakdown is helpful but as a rundown, here is the additional time it takes me to cloth diaper in comparison to disposable diapers week to week:
The Formula
time it takes each time x the amount of times per week = total time added
Toss or spray any poo down the toilet: ~1 min x 14 times = ~14 minutes
Toss a load of diapers in the wash: ~2 min x 2 times = ~4 minutes
Hanging up diapers on drying rack: ~2 min x 2 times = ~4 minutes
Putting diapers away in your cart: ~1 min x 2 times = ~2 minutes
Total Time Added to Your Schedule Weekly: ~24 minutes
Total Time Added to Your Schedule Daily: ~3-4 minutes
It Will Become Normal As It Becomes Your Routine
Looking back at this year and half of raising my Little Wonder, there were multiple times when I asked these questions of time and if I would have enough time or how I would fit this into my schedule or life. That is such a normal question during transitions. It’s not bad to wonder or ask or even worry about that. We are going through a huge change in becoming parents or adding another little wonder to our family. And I am sure I will be asking this question again and again.
Many times it is helpful to think about what we are looking forward to in these changes.
A shift of mindset.
While cloth diapering can feel overwhelming, think of how it helps you connect to your role in caring for the earth or how it helps connect you to nature and nostalgia, or just saves you a ton of cash!
When we first started feeding Little Wonder solid foods and got to a point where I was feeding her an actual lunch and nearing the time of adding breakfast, I had multiple moments of feeling overwhelmed and thought, “How in the world am I going to keep feeding this child? Will this always feel hard?” But then I watched her learn to eat and love mealtimes with us and have fun exploring – and throwing! – different foods, and while I still don’t love mealtime and the cleanup, there are so many moments of wonder to savor during it.
These new to-do’s feel different and therefore harder at first, but isn’t that true of starting many things?! In a short time, cloth diapering fit into my routine and became something I feel proud of, a practice that relieves my anxiety over money and a sense of helping to care for the environment.
I truly enjoy cloth diapering.
Maybe you have or will ask these questions of your time in other areas, each person is different and likes or dislikes different aspects of parenting. Matt was not for cloth diapering in the beginning at all, but has since embraced it and allowed it to become a part of his routine and something he is thankful I wanted to do.
Just remember that many moments of our seemingly wasted time are the very moments that coax us to treasure time.
Check Out Some of My Other Posts on Cloth Diapering!
- Your Top Questions About Cloth Diapering Answered
- Top Ten Essentials for Cloth Diapering
- Which Cloth Diaper is Best?
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Want to Check Out Other Brands of Cloth Diapers? Go For It!
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GroVia | Nora's Nursery | Nora's Nursery |
Smartipants | Charlie Banana | ALVABABY One-Size Pocket |
Kanga Care Rumparooz | Kanga Care Rumparooz | Kanga Care Rumparooz |
OsoCozy Prefolds + Covers | OsoCozy Orgnaic Fitted Diaper | SmartNappy Hybrid Diaper |
MaMa Koala | Haha Go | Haha Go |