Happy Halloween 2020!
Oh, how I love Halloween! The sense of magic and spooky suspense, the crisp fall leaves that crunch under your feet while trick-or-treating, the costumes that come from all parts of the imagination, the candy, Mmmm, the candy, the amount of pumpkins you can hoard, the whimsical little decorations that come to life just like they did in my first ever stop motion video I made – as seen above!
I’ve loved Halloween ever since I can remember dumping out my jack-o-lantern bucket of candy onto the green shag rug of my friend’s grandmother’s home, feeling warm and cozy after a cold night of trick-or-treating, trading favorite candies, and feeling like that night was filled with magic.
Adding a sweet little toddler that shares in the wonder this year made it even more magical! Especially when I have a husband that is not a fan of dressing up.
I will get him with a family costume next year…
Watch out!

I, as usual, wore my vintage Halloween vest and my mom, as usual, found the cutest little costume for Analeigh just days before Halloween for UNDER 50 CENTS.
That’s under 50 CENTS, people.
Thank you, Spare and Share Thrift Shop in Gridley, IL for always bringing the greatest deals. Go check them out!
Are you ready for the costume reveal?!

The cutest little LADYBUG toddler in town!
EEK – I can’t handle the cuteness.

Hiro let us borrow some angel wings from his doggie angel costume (another thrifted find by my mom) to make into her ladybug wings! What a good dinosaur dog.
He has been a dinosaur for halloween every year, but this year the costume was a little tight. Uh Oh… HA!

And because Analeigh likes to pull out any headband or bow I put into her hair, her little pig tails were her antennas … which she still tried to pull out for quite a while before she finally forgot about them!
