The Keeper of Your Dreams
I have so many dreams. Dreams of what could be, what I could do, what I could create, what I could do with my creativity…it goes on and on. To be inside my mind when I am dreaming feels like soaring high above the universe with explosions going off everywhere and it’s just magical. Too trippy for you? That’s ok.
Back to reality. I love to dream. But my dreams often paralyze me. Inside my mind they can run free and there can be hundreds, thousands! But as they approach the door to reality there is a massive pile up. A newsworthy, massive pileup. Just think of dreams trying to fly out into reality to spark magic into the world but they just keep smacking into each other defeatedly unacknowledged. Ugh.
Therefore, I have lists and lists and lists of dreams inside journals and on random Post-it’s and running lists in my mind. Ohhh, the door to reality is so small! And there’s only one door. There’s not enough time or even lifetimes for all these dreams to come to fruition.
It leaves me feeling discouraged sometimes. It leaves me listening to all kinds of mean voices in my head. “Who can’t chase after their dreams?! Come on. Go, Tayler, Go! You’re so lame. So lazy. Doesn’t the grass look much greener over there? You’re wasting your time. You’re not good enough to go after that dream. What will people think of you?”
Inside my mind they can run free and there can be hundreds, thousands! But inside my mind doesn’t “count” does it? Were dreams meant to just pile up at the door to reality never to be seen? That seems so anticlimactic.
Not too long ago I was hanging out with a dear friend and we were dreaming about dreams. That’s right, dreaming about dreams! And I realized I am just too hard on my poor little dreams. I have sucked the life out of them and not let them be the wonder-filled dreams just as they are. What are dreams really made of? Well, dreams

Dreams have worth in just being dreams. Period.
There’s this horrible lie in our society that how productive we are determines our worth. (Which is a whole other subject for another post! Our worth comes from us just BEING!) The lie of productivity ruins the heart of dreaming – to dream. Our dreams can feel like they don’t have worth if they aren’t “productive” and within that lie they suffocate and die. But just for a dream to be a dream is a thing of wonder. Dreams have worth in just being dreams. Period.
Think about the act of dreaming. Isn’t it so cool that you have the ability to imagine and dream!? That’s amazing.
Have you ever wondered about how beautiful dreams are just by being dreams?
Go ahead, think about one of your dreams in life. Don’t put expectations on it or feel pressure to accomplish it. Just wonder about it…
Isn’t it beautiful? Look at how creative is it! How intricate is it! How full of wonder it is! Let your dream BE and be dazzled by it. Enjoy your dream.
To dream is to worship.
God enjoys your dreams. He enjoys your dreams in their goodness and love, their colors and wonder, their care and creativity. As much as they reflect himself, he adores them without them ever stepping a foot outside that door to “reality” or “productivity”.
If we were made in the image of God, our dreams are a piece of that.
But why can dreaming make us feel limited? Because, in truth, we are limited. In ourselves alone we are limited humans with little time, little resources and only one little human life here on earth. We were never meant to fulfill our dreams only in ourselves or in this little world alone.
I have fulfilled lots of dreams big and small but when they are centered around myself they never feel enough. Dreams were meant to point us to another – to a God who exists outside of all limits, who exists for eternity, resides in eternity, opens an eternity of doors! Our dreams reflect this God of limitless goodness and love, limitless color and wonder, limitless care and creativity.

To dream is to worship
And to worship… Wow… to WORSHIP has much more meaning and value than to be productive. Sure, dreams coming to fruition are purposeful. But dreams coming to worship are where they MEET their purpose.
From worship of the Beautiful flows the beautiful.
I don’t want my dreams to just come from a worship of my limited little self or a worship of others’ limited little thoughts of me. I want my dreams to flow from a worship of a LIMITLESS, GOOD, LOVING, COLORFUL, WONDERFUL, CARING, CREATIVE GOD!

Jesus, the Keeper of your dreams.
Why would God give us the ability to dream without the fulfillment of those dreams? I think of my daughter and I want every single dream that is good and wonderful in her to come to fruition. That is my desire for her dreams. So wouldn’t it be God’s desire for ours?
“For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” 2 Corinthians 1:20
Our dreams have value in just being dreams because they reflect a limitless God, causing them to become worshipful just for being dreams. Our dreams ultimately show us that while we are limited, we desire the limitless. But we realize there is a limit blocking us from reaching him.
Enter Jesus.
Jesus – in being God come as man and living a life we could not live and dying a death we could not die and through his resurrection, bridging a gulf between God and us that we could not bridge – broke those limits. Tore the veil. We can know the Limitless. We can know the Dream-giver himself. We can know the One our dreams were made by and for.
Even if a dream doesn’t come true just as we want it, at the deeper level we wanted the One who gave that dream and he never changed. He is our promise. If God’s answer seems to be a “No” in some place in your life, wait, seek, shift your view. Take the dream in your hands and don’t look at just one side. Turn it over and over and look at it from different angles and and wonder. Put it down. Give your eyes and perspective a rest. Come back to it later and look again. He may have not answered as you thought but he is the Dream-giver and he holds your dreams. Jesus, the Keeper of your dreams.

He holds our dreams for eternity.
Our dreams don’t exist just for this life. While they may pile up at the door of reality in this world, soon there will be many doors open. Yes, I hope many come to a beautiful fruition in this life but for those left waiting, their time is coming! Because I believe there is an eternal after this life in a beautiful world of heaven that is butted up right next to this life. It’s not some weird cloud floating in the sky I’m going to sit on all day long. It’s a place as real as this and even more where goodness and love, color and wonder, care and creativity and on and on find their fullness and therefore where our dreams find their fullness. One after another after another after another…
What about those dreams that have died in this life? The ones that have gotten completely trampled? The ones that left deep wounds inside of us? The ones that make us scared to ever dream again?
Are they not being taken up gently and healed even now? Are they not to being given new life and resurrection as the King of Life comes to reign? Wait. Seek. Hope. He is here. He is with you. Jesus is the “Yes” to every promise and within every dream is the Promise, the Dream-giver – God. And the Dream-giver will keep giving dreams, fulfilling dreams and recreating dreams with his children for an eternity.
Wow. An eternity of dreams for a limitless dream of eternity that for me has already started the day I put my trust in my Dream-giver. And for anyone who sees him as the center of their dreams – the center of their life – and wants to trust in him, he waits for you with a limitless love and limitless dreams.

You, his precious dreamer.

Share with a dreamer in your life. <3 Tayler