Your Top Questions About Cloth Diapering Answered
Upon first learning I was pregnant with my Little Wonder I began to dream about the perfect boho magical baby nursery with a warm peach pink wall and all the cute little baby items and essentials I would need to take care of her. But then I realized I needed to consider what I would do with all her poo! I began to wonder if I should use disposable diapers or cloth diapers and the research flurry ensued. Google was stormed with my questions. Click on any of the questions below to quick link to my answers and come back to this page as your navigator or table of contents!…
Which Cloth Diaper is the Best? -.-. bumGenius vs. Thirsties -.-. Pros and Cons
In the wonderfully growing world of cloth diapers, I learned there are lots of different options. That can be a good thing, as it makes it easier to customize diapers to your needs and life. Yet, it does make it quite overwhelming when it comes to choosing what brand and what styles of cloth diapers you should get. When it came to the two brands of cloth diapers I went with – bumGenius vs. Thirsties – for me, one reigned supreme. (Even though both have the cutest names!) But that doesn’t mean I don’t still like the other and use them all the time. I also have a couple styles…
Does Cloth Diapering Take Too Much Time?
Can I handle cloth diapering while working a full time job? Can I handle cloth diapering with my busy schedule? Hopefully this step by step breakdown is helpful but as a rundown, here is the additional time it takes me to cloth diaper in comparison to disposable diapers week to week: The Formula time it takes each time x the amount of times per week = total time added Toss or spray any poo down the toilet: ~1 min x 14 times = ~14 minutes Toss a load of diapers in the wash: ~2 min x 2 times = ~4 minutes Hanging up diapers on drying rack: ~2 min x…
What If My Significant Other Does Not Want to Use Cloth Diapers?
I am definitely the crazy one in our marriage and the one with big dreams … but trouble following through. (It’s just that I have so many dreams!) Matt is my wonderful other half that dreams with me and is my best creative coach in helping me achieve my dreams!!! This blog would not be happening without him, as he does many behind the scenes work, just like he did in our dreamy baby nursery. When it came to me suggesting that we use cloth diapers, he thought I was crazy – a dreamy girl stuck in a nostalgic world of cloth diapering romanticism, forgetting how hard and ridiculous it…
Cloth Diapering 101: Where to Begin and How to Cloth Diaper in Ten Easy Steps
Once you know you want to try cloth diapering, where do you begin? How do you cloth diaper? First, if you haven’t gone through my top reasons for why I chose to cloth diaper, do so! You also may want to get familiar with the Top Ten Essentials you will need to cloth diaper. Ok, you have your pile of cloth diapers and your storage cart is stocked and ready to go! Whether you are entering this process before your little wonder arrives or starting somewhere after their arrival, anytime is a good time! 1. Pre-wash All Cloth Diapers and Wipes Per many cloth diaper brand’s instructions you want to…
Top Ten Essentials for Cloth Diapering in a Breeze
At first, all the information and options for cloth diapering can be so overwhelming that you can get scared away. I almost was. But wait, don’t run away yet! We’ve got this. Even if you’re freaking out about baby coming and all it will take to get there and raise your little wonder, I have encouragement right now. Maybe you’re worried about all it takes to raise a baby and this feels like too much. First off, that’s ok. I have moments of that as a first time mom. You are amazing for even simply desiring to care for this little wonder. You are an awesome parent and you can…
The Wonder of Cloth Diapering: Connecting to Nature and Nostalgia
As my belly grew and Little Wonder neared her arrival, I began to… freak out. Yes, about impending labor and delivery and raising a baby, but also about if I would follow through with cloth diapering! The cloth diapers were being gifted and the most adorable boho rainbow baby nursery was getting ready with my diaper cart full of all the essentials I needed to cloth diaper. I was being readied for my cloth diaper journey… Ok, here we go. I’m totally ready. Cloth diapering is easy, right? You’ve done the research. You’ve watched the videos. Wahhhh! How do I start cloth diapering? Can I handle all the wash? What…
Cloth Diapers: Natural Care for Baby and Avoiding Harmful Substances
I’m a 90’s babe and I was raised rolling around in every chemical additive and GMO snack you can think of and here I am doing just fine…so far… my husband does think I am crazy so, there is that. But with the rise of information on certain substances that have been shown to disrupt our body or even harm it and as I began to wonder how we as humans are made to thrive in a natural world, I began a journey to try to make and choose products and practices that are as close to Mother Earth as I can fit into my life. (I am by far…
What Do I Need for Baby? My Full Amazon Baby Registry Checklist
Trying to think of what you need for a baby can be quite the feat, especially if you don’t hang out around babies much…until soon! Ultimately, baby needs YOU and you are equipped to take care of this little one with your love and even with limited resources. I love browsing Facebook Marketplace and secondhand stores for items at a fraction of the cost, but Amazon is just so wonderfully easy. I loved doing my baby registry through them and that I could also add items from others stores. It is a wonder that family and friends want to gift you items you need for your little wonder! Before being…
How to Save a Ton of Money Using Cloth Diapers
There are a few sources that debate if cloth diapering really saves you money when you account for the detergent, water and electricity used in washing them. And good for them looking deep into it! I appreciated it. Cost Comparison: Disposable Diaper vs. Cloth Diaper A part of this comparison hinges on what disposable diaper you choose to compare to cloth diaper costs. In this article, they estimate each disposable diaper at 25 to 30 cents each but many eco friendly baby diapers are more in the 35 to 50 cents each range. This difference can seem small in cents, but is up to double in spending and adds up…