Oh, we are so glad you are here to wonder! I’m Tayler, the wonderer and dreamer behind this little site which I began in my college days as a Journalism-Media studies major with a dream to inspire others to wonder in big ways and small and a dream to also make my own magazine someday, so here it is. Eek! You will find the range of topics and ways of navigation read a bit like a magazine. Explore! But this site is not my own, it also holds the incredible ideas and photography skills of my husband, Matt, on every page (check out his photography website too!) and without his creative coaching I would be at a loss. And our Little Wonder brings all the sweetness and magic. She is the true star of the show! 😉
Welcome to our family, our little site of wonder and a place where hopefully you will find your wonder, too.
Here with you I seek all the places I can imagine wonder may be found. In WONDERS I write wonders stemming from my thought life and spirit, because my life has been changed by a Great Wonderer. From the strength of delicate spring flowers, to the repetitive beauty of our breathing, the breadth of our dreams and the depth of our deep anxiety and anger, I find freedom in wondering.
In BABY, join me in raising our little wonders together – from the practicality of cloth diapering and nursery decor to how to raise them up with their own sense of wonder and gratitude.
In DIY we get to create together, whether it be home projects, crafts or preparing for our wonderful CELEBRATIONS in life, which is where I feel wonder explodes. I think most anything is worth celebrating!
And in RECIPES I share pieces of our family heritages and the wonder of taste. I would love to have you as a guest at my giant kitchen table. So, come. Take a seat and let’s live….
Life Well Wondered!
What if our minds and heart were filled with wonder?
What if our families and homes carried wonder inside of them?
What if our daily tasks and creative moments reminded us of wonder?
What if our celebrations and even our mourning sang of wonder?
Read more about my heart for wonder over at WHY WONDER?

Whenever I entered my grandma’s house, she would have the biggest smile that lit up her whole face as she exclaimed, “Tayler!” I can still feel how loved and welcomed I was into her life. I can remember walks with her to the little creek where I claimed that I saw Bambi in the shapes of the water and she would ask, “Oh, really?!” – entertaining my little wonders. I remember her letting me spend hours of wonder in the forest beside her home, climbing trees that felt enormous to my little arms and legs. I remember her tilling the earth and telling me that great big plants would grow out of those tiny seeds – “How could that be?!” my mind wondered while I followed her down the row, squishing the black, warm dirt in-between my bare toes. I remember her welcoming me into the chair with her to look up at the trees and sky. It felt wonderful to be next to her. It felt wonderful to come into her presence.
May you feel that welcome and more by me and by wonder. May you live …