Twist and Shout Natural Deodorant
Do you love me? I can really move
Do you love me? I’m in the groove
Now do you love me? Do you love me?
Now that I can dance? Dance…
Can you guess this song by the time you get to the bottom of this page? If you know me at all you know I sure couldn’t. HA! But, go ahead, go on down – you’ll want to listen to it as you get excited to MAKE YOUR OWN DEODORANT that won’t irritate those sensitive pits and actually works.
I searched the natural blogs far a wide and tweaked up my own version after so many other natural deodorants (store bought and made) either didn’t work or set my pits aflame with rash – I know, not fun.
It’s a TWIST on deodorant.
Why these ingredients?
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My quest for a natural deodorant began after I graduated college and became interested in natural beauty products after reading multiple articles about the negative and harmful effects some ingredients such as parabens or aluminum may have on our body. Especially when we continually apply these possibly harmful products to our skin, our largest organ that also is wonderfully made to absorb many elements into our body.
I tried a number of natural deodorant recipes, most made of a simple list of ingredients like coconut oil + cornstarch + baking soda. Some had a few other ingredient combinations and were seemingly promising, but I was NEVER SATISFIED and either had the deodorant MELTING OFF MY ARMPITS, setting them aflame with red PAINFUL BUMPS all over for days, or didn’t help with any ODOR. WAH!
I finally found a recipe that I liked and as I made it over the years, I adjusted the ingredients and amounts to my liking. Here’s the lineup:
- Shea Butter and Coconut Oil – both great moisturizers and coconut oil has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.
- Almond Oil – healing and soothing for sensitive skin and can rejuvenate it. I put it on my face every night as a moisturizer!
- Beeswax Pellets – these give the deodorant hold and solidity even as the temperature outside (and in your pits) rises. It also won’t clog pores.
- Tapioca Flour and Arrowroot Flour – both silky in texture and super absorbent, either of these will help absorb excess sweat and give this deodorant a silky texture. Cornstarch could be substituted, but both of these root powders are finer and retain more water than cornstarch and a good option if you are avoiding GMO’s.
- Diatomaceous Earth – THIS stuff is full of wonder. It has a wonderfully powdery consistency and kills some bacteria, making it great for odor fighting and a silky smooth feeling on your this pits! It is also safe to eat, making it great for this natural deodorant. FUN FACT: it is made from fossilized phytoplankton, composes 26% OF THE EARTH’S CRUST by weight and can soak up 1.1 TIMES ITS WEIGHT in water.
Goodbye, sweat.
- Vitamin E Oil – great for skin, as Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect skin from damage.
- Lavender Essential Oil – gives that wonderful scent. The word “lavender” has Latin roots in the word “lava” which means “to wash”. It will be washing those pits while you wear it! I also love lavender essential oil for sensitive skin and use it on my face! It can soothe redness and irritation.
- Baking Soda – “‘Most smells are acidic in nature, and baking soda can be a pH neutralizer.’ Simply put, the chemicals in baking soda are perfect at neutralizing the acids that cause bad smells.“ Enough said!
There is just a little bit of research, but I encourage you to do your own, too, and even experiment with adding your own ingredients!

What Container?
When it comes to a container for your Twist and Shout Deodorant, you can use:
- Recycled Deodorant Containers you may have on hand (especially when you realize you want to empty that conventional deodorant in the trash and start using your own natural deodorant!)
- New Deodorant Containers
- Little Glass Storage Jars
- Any Other Container with a Lid (scroll to the bottom for more ideas)
I’ve used all and have to say the deodorant containers are very convenient, but more often than not I just pour it into little glass jars and use my finger to apply.
Twist and Shout Natural Deodorant
Course: Natural BeautyDifficulty: Easy7.4
minutesA twist on all-natural deodorant that actually works, even for sensitive armpits. Aluminum-free yet effective, this deodorant will make you shout with odor-fighting joy!
1/4 cup Coconut Oil (60g)
3 Tbsp. Shea Butter (40g)
2 Tbsp. Almond Oil, Olive Oil, or other “carrier oil” (20g)
2 Tbsp. Beeswax Pellets (20g)
4 Tbsp. Tapioca Flour or Arrowroot Flour (30g)
4 Tbsp. Diatomaceous Earth (30g)
10 drops Vitamin E Oil
30+ drops Lavender Essential Oil, or favorite oil combo*
2 tsp.+/- Baking Soda (8g) optional*
- Fill a small pot with ~2 inches of water and bring to a simmer.
Get out your kitchen scale, too, if you have one (I prefer it for more exact measurements.) - Put Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Almond Oil (or other carrier oil), and Beeswax Pellets in a glass bowl.
- Place bowl on top of the pot of simmering water (this acts as a double boiler). Stir until all the beeswax pellets are melted.
- Remove the bowl and place on a hot pad or scale.
- Add the Tapioca Flour (or arrowroot powder) and Diatomaceous Earth and stir until well blended.
- Add the drops of Vitamin E oil and Essential Oil as well as the Baking Soda (optional). Stir until well blended.
- Immediately pour into your container(s) of choice. Let cool for 2-4 hours and store in a cool place.
- “+/-” means you can add or lessen depending on how much odor protection you need and how sensitive your armpits are (see below).
- *If you have really sensitive skin, I suggest omitting baking soda at first and adding ~10 more drops of essential oils. You can also experiment with adding just a TINY pinch of baking soda on top of the deodorant after it’s made and applying it that way. See how your armpits react. It really helps odor, but can cause a bit of a rash … trust me. EEK!
- Be aware that your pits may need to adjust for about a week as they switch from conventional deodorant. It may not work as well as you hope the first week, but give it time because it’s worth it for a healthier, cheaper deodorant!
- You may notice that in cool temperatures the deodorant will become more solidified in the container and in warm temperatures it will be less solidified – completely normal! The beeswax pellets help it keep solidity even in very warm temperatures and armpits – haha!
Let me know!
What natural deodorants have you bought or made? Why did you choose a natural deodorant over a conventional one? Any suggestions of ingredients you’ve used in yours? Please tell me in the comments, I would love to know!
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Did you guess the song yet?!

Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve been on the hunt for a deodorant for YEARS! This will do just the trick!
How long does a batch of this last?
Yay! Depending on how much you use, I would say 4-5 months. I just made a double batch hoping it will last me a year!