{Free [free], Full [fool], Alive [uh-lahyv]}
Brutal stuffing, vigorous jumping, a few body slams, and finally the last inch of the zipper. The packing process is pretty intense for me. At times I feel like my suitcase is groaning from inside. (And just think, what if somebody body slammed you after Thanksgiving dinner…I am so sorry, my dear suitcase.) By the time we get home it’s about to explode, and that’s exactly what happens — clothes, brushes, papers, a few random objects everywhere, it’s great.
Simple phrases are the greatest suitcases.
One of the talks Louie Giglio gave at PASSION2011 focused on the phrase: “Free and Fully Alive”. The main point being that it’s possible to be free and fully alive in Christ. No circumstance, no relationship, no singleness, no addiction, no habit, no disappointment, no time can keep me from being free and fully alive because that is what Christ is in us at all times: FREE, FULL, ALIVE. Yet, I wanted to know what those words meant, what they held, what was beyond the buckles and zippers of their suitcase. They were crying out to be opened, about to explode! So, I opened them.
I love looking up words in the dictionary and getting a greater understanding. Perhaps it’s the journalist in me, but it’s like getting to know them, and it allows them to go deeper into my heart. I encourage you try it out and do it with many words and phrases, especially the simple ones.
Free [free]
1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person not in slavery
2. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty
3. not under foreign rule
4. exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc
5. able to do something at will
6. clear of obstructions or obstacles
7. exempt or released from something specified that controls, restrains, burdens, etc.
8. having immunity or being safe
9. provided with, or not subject to, charge or payment
10. unimpeded, as in motion
11. acting without self-restraint or reserve
12. ready or generous in giving
13. at liberty to enter or enjoy at will
14. to deliver, disentangle
15. without cost or payment
Full [fool]
1. completely filled, containing all that can be held, to capacity
2. entire, maimum
3. wide, ample, abundant, well-supplied
4. engrossed, occupied
5. exactly or directly
Alive [uh-lahyv]
1. having life, living, existing
2. in state of action, in force of operation
3. full of energy and spirit
4. having the quality of life, vivid, vibrant
5. alert or sensitive to, aware of
A simple post with a lot of meaning.