Why Wonder?
Remember that moment? The one that made you pause. The one that made you open your eyes as wide as they could, taking it all in. The one that set off this firework in your heart – this firework of awe and peace.Remember that moment that took your breath away for a second before something inside of you breathed out…
Where were you?
Were you at the foot of a great, rising tree, leaves crunching under your feet and whispers of wind singing through its canopy?
Were you laying under that big expanse of Milky Way feeling so small as stars millions of miles away twinkled back at you?
Were you holding the one that grew inside of you for the first time, counting all their tiny fingers and toes?
Were you looking down from the summit of that towering mountain, seeing the earth curve on the horizon and cities and people bustle below like little ants.
Were you riding your bike down that country road, watching the colors dance and play as that magnificent sun set?
Did it fill you with wonder?
They took my breath away – each of these moments and many more. They made me pause and open my eyes as wide a I could to try to take more and more of that moment in – to sit in its wonder and to feel something that I deeply felt I was made to feel, yet something that I too often did not. These moments taught me to wonder. They set inside of me an aching for more – more of these moments and more of this wonder.
While these moments of great wonder are treasures, most of our minutes and seconds and days are not lived in these magnificent places or times. A lot of life is lived in
The seemingly mundane.
The repetitive.
The boring.
The chaos.
The pain.
The closed rooms of our home and life where no one seems to notice and no one can remind us that those moments may have wonder, too.

Wonder can be found in the most mundane of moments, the smallest of homes, the most untalented creativity and even the deeply broken places of the heart. Wonder awakens and heals.
Yes, wonder takes our breath away but it is also what keeps us breathing.

I’m convinced wonder can change you the more it infuses your mind and your heart, your family and your home, your daily tasks and your creative moments, your celebration and your mourning. And therefore I am convinced that wonder can change the world – and you can be a part of that!
Yet, it’s hard to bring to mind those great magnificent moments let alone to find wonder in those moments that are mundane or painful.
So, let’s wonder together.

I struggle to wonder too. But knowing wonder might be helping you or to hear of your own wonder that was sparked inside of you is just incredible! And to have this little space for a creative outlet of wonder is a dream I’ve had and can’t let go of, just like my ache for wonder. But…
Wondering can be hard.

It can make you face a bitter reality, toss you about in woes of anxious thoughts or make your heart ache for things that no-one else seems to care about. Yet, according to its own definition, wonder takes something unexpected, something unfamiliar, something beautiful or inexplicable and causes it to bring a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration.
What if our minds and heart were filled with this wonder?
What if our families and homes carried this wonder inside of them?
What if our daily tasks and creative moments reminded us of this wonder?
What if our celebrations and our mourning sang of this wonder?
Here with you I seek this and all the places I can imagine wonder may be found. In WONDERS I write wonders stemming from my thought life and faith, because my life has been changed by a Master Wonderer. In DECOR I invite you into my home and share my love for home design with great hope that you’ll be inspired to bring a sense of welcome and whimsical into your home of wonder. In MAKE IT! we get to create together, whether it be home projects, crafts or preparing for our wonderful CELEBRATIONS in life, which is where I feel wonder explodes. I argue that most anything is wroth celebrating! And in RECIPES I share pieces of our families’ heritages and the wonder of taste. I would love to have you as a guest at my giant kitchen table. So, come. Take a seat and let’s live….